My Accomplishments:

*My accomplishments in seventh grade have not yet been acomplished.But one of them has,it was to get a good grade on my reading test and i did.My next goal that has to be accomplished is to get good grades this quarter.I also want to go to a good high school.If i don't make it it will be dissapinting but even if I go to Washington High School it won't really matter because it's not the school wich is bad but the students.
*One other accomplishement was to get a good grade on my website las month.I actually got a B and i was really proud of myself.
*My other accomplishment was to go every day to school last month.It was actualy a piece of cake haha!
*The best accomplishment i've had so far was to be on the honnor roll.My mom was extremely proud of me and i'll admit i was proud of myself too.
*One of my most important acomplishments is to get a good score on my science test,and as a matter of fact i got a 90%.I only got 3 wrong wich was a huge accomplishment for me.

*One other accomplishment was to get a good score on my vocabulary test in wich i got a 90% and i got 2 anwsers wrong.